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JOB OPENING: Communications Officer
The Communications Officer will be in charge of supporting the communication tasks within the ICA-EU ...
Our farewell interview with Charles Gould
The Co-operative Insider had a tête-à-tête (Private Conversation)with Charles Gould as he retired from his position...
Second report looks at the governance of the world’s largest co-operative businesses
A new report published by Co-operatives UK, the network for Britain’s thousands of co-operative businesses, examines ...
Latest edition of the Review of International Co-operation is out!
The Committee on Co-operative Research of the International Co-operative Alliance announced ...
Second CICOPA report examines trends in industrial and service co-operatives
Following its first report in 2015, CICOPA has released its second global biannual report on industrial and service...
International Cooperative Alliance publishes global guide for promotion of co-ops
A new toolkit is available for co-operatives around the world doing advocacy work...
Meeting of independent media and co-operatives in Paris
14 independent media organisations and projects gathered in the French capital to create a collaborative network
Experts from the Asia-Pacific region discuss how co-operatives can alleviate poverty and give members a dignified life
Work to create new partnerships between co-operatives and stakeholders to drive development was discussed ...