ICC's position in the law of the cooperative
sector of the Islamic Republic of Iran is mentioned as follows:
Chapter X-
Chamber of Cooperatives
Article 57- Cooperative unions and societies
may, if required, establish Central Chamber of Cooperatives under supervision
of Ministry of Cooperatives in Tehran having branches in provinces and cities
for the following purposes:
- 1. To perform functions and authorities of
Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines in relation with Cooperative Sector.
- 2. To perform all affairs entrusted to them by
Ministry of Cooperatives according to the By-law.
- 3. To settle disputes and arbitration within
the scope of cooperative affairs on mediation and peaceful basis between
members and unions and between cooperative societies and unions.
Note- Each chamber of cooperative enjoys a
legal and independent entity and is not dependent upon government in terms of
finance and administration and expenses.
Article 58- The constituents of each chamber
of cooperatives are as follows:
1. Assembly of Representatives
2. Board of Directors
3. Inspection Board.
Article 59- The cooperative chamber assembly
of representative at city level is composed of representatives of unions and
representatives of cooperatives with similar nature of activity lacking union
with type of activity of the same city, and cooperative chamber assembly of
representative at provincial level, composed of chairmen of board of directors
of cooperative chambers from cities of the same province and representatives of
unions at the cities lacking cooperative chamber and representatives of unions
with the same type of activity in the province and assembly of representatives
from central chamber of cooperative, composed of chairmen of provinces chamber
of cooperatives and representative of unions from provinces with no chamber of
cooperative and representatives of national unions which is appointed for a
period of three years.
Note 1- Duties of assembly of representatives
are as follows:
a- To review proposals on the articles of
association and By-law of cooperative chamber and its authentication for final
approval of Cooperative Minister.
b- To appoint board of directors of
cooperative chamber.
c- To appoint two inspectors for membership in
the inspection board.
d- To approve annual program and budget as
proposed by the board of directors.
e- To review and make decision on balance
sheet and other reports presented by board of directors upon receiving opinion
of inspection board.
f- To review reports of inspection board.
Note 2- Number of votes by representatives who
are members in assembly of representatives of city cooperative chamber,
province cooperative chamber and central chamber of cooperatives shall be
determined by Ministry of Cooperatives in proportion to the number of
cooperative members and member cooperatives of cooperative unions and chambers.
Article 60- The cooperative chambers board of
directors compose of 3 to 7 principal members and two alternate members from
among cooperative members who are appointed by assembly of representatives for
a period of three years from agricultural, rural and tribal, industrial, mine,
urban and rural development, and distributive cooperatives as far as possible.
Article 61- The duties of board of directors
are as follows:
1. To perform required activities in line with
the objectives of cooperative chamber in accordance with the articles of
associations and relevant Bylaws.
2. To run all affairs relating to cooperative
chamber and performing all correspondences, communications and financial
operations required by the chamber according to its internal By-laws.
3. To execute resolutions by assembly of
4. To present reports and necessary proposals
to assembly of representatives.
5. To elect chairman of the board of directors
from among themselves.
6. To elect secretary for cooperative chambers
at city and province levels and a secretary general for central chamber of
cooperatives in order to carry out the executive affairs.
Note- The board of directors may delegate a
part of its authorities to the secretary or secretary general.
Article 62- Board of directors of chamber of
cooperatives in every province is obliged to imitate communication and
coordination and cooperation between the chambers of the cities in their own
provincial jurisdiction and they are bound to cooperate, also board of
directors of Islamic Republic of Iran Central Chamber of Cooperatives is
obliged to create communication, coordination and cooperation between the
chambers in provinces and they are bound to cooperate.
Article 63- Inspection Board composed of three
members out of which two persons will be appointed by assembly of
representatives and other person by Ministry of Cooperatives and their
functions include:
a. To supervise and inspect continuously as to
observing provisions of articles of association and by-laws of chamber of
cooperatives and the related rules and regulations.
b. To audit the accounts, registers,
documents, financial statements such as balance sheet, fiscal transaction and
to report to the assembly of representatives and Ministry of Cooperatives.
c. To consider complaints and violations
relating to chamber of cooperatives and to report to the concerned authorities.
d. To present annual and periodical reports to
assembly of representatives and Ministry of Cooperatives as to status of cooperative
chamber activities and observing rules and regulations and to express comments
on board of directors’ reports.
Note- Board of directors is obliged to
communicate with the inspection board and provide them with the required
documents and papers.
Article 64- Financial resources of cooperative
chambers are as follows:
1. Receiving membership fee
2. Receiving public, people and council
grants, contributions and gifts.
3. Receiving remuneration for consultation,
expertise and arbitration within the scope of cooperative affairs through
mediation amicably and other services rendered to cooperative societies and