Iran and India. Mr. Salehi expounded on the role that Co-operatives play in Iran’s economy. He mentioned that its share is 5% of GDP for now which will soon increases to 25% of GDP by the end of 5-year development program. He presented precise statistics regarding Co-operative sector in different sections such as agriculture, housing, handicrafts, hand woven carpet, transportation, job opportunity creation, etc. He demanded the Indian party to convey the role and significance of Co-operatives and supportive rules which have been enacted in Islamic Consultative Assembly and related commissions to Indian Co-operatives in order to sign MOUs, exchanging experience and expanding cooperation.
Mr. Sibi George, Indian Charge d’ Affaires, welcomed expansion of ties in Co-operative sector between the two nations. He voiced that India is comprised of 28 different states and there is a local Co-operative organization in each of them which have the same responsibility as the Islamic Republic of Iran Central Chamber of Co-operatives does. He said that “I believe the only way to root out poverty is Co-operation through Co-operatives”. Then, he exemplified some successful Co-operatives of India like Sugar Cane. He made his remark on the title of the present year named by the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He added that this title, Economic Jihad, shows the intention of the supreme leader for economic progress in the country.
Mr. Salehi emphasized that I will have an imminent trip to India for an official visit of ICA-ROAP (International Co-operative Alliance- Regional Office Asia and Pacific). He added that he will visit two leading companies of India in Co-operative sector (NCUI, IFFCO). Furthermore, he will visit Mr. Choi, regional Director of ICA. He also reiterated the bright background of the two countries like membership in NAM and & GROUP 77.
At the end, Mr. George appreciated this invitation which was in line with further cooperation between the two nations. He promised to inform ICC of any complementary information on the Indian side.